unbearable worlds in clouds

In the clouds, when my eyes are pried open, they are filled with sickly beams and I am quickly swallowed by the worlds that surround me.

Here, you witness a vile architecture; devastating structures bubble up from deep tectonic chewing, on the verge of collapsing under their own immenseness. Molten, they provide a feverish shade and rain soot. And the noise; a racket produced by this eternal tumbling and upheaval overwhelms the air; gets under your fingernails and bores right through you.

Billions of fangs bear down. Each pebble, speck, and droplet has a carnivorous appetite. All things here are in swarms or act in manners of swarming. And this is not to speak of the beasts, infected by heat and shrapnel, running and yowling with violent exigency before their coming unraveling.

Amongst the gush of distress, the most terrifying prescence are spectres of serenity; gentle glimmers of peaceful countenances in muck and ash. If a snow white phantom examines you with bleary eyes, your skin will peel and your blood will harden.

How will I survive in such a place? Only by enacting weightlessness. And I’m led to wonder why I came here.